
Archive for May, 2007

How to make Internet video ads fast

May 29th, 2007 4 comments

Here’s an example of a "quick and dirty" Internet video ad.

It’s for Perry Marshall’s new book.

We shot it at System 2007 in one take with no script.

It’s a "content" ad. In other words, it contains content that is intrinsically valuable on its own and the pitch, such as it is, is woven in.

Total run time: 3:50 minutes.

My total time invested in the production: about 8 minutes.

Then I handed it off to an editor who cleaned it up, added titles and uploaded it to YouTube.

Then I uploaded a new page for the video to my System Seminar TV platform (about 2 minutes) and now I’m writing to tell you about it (another 2 minutes.)

My total time investment: 12 minutes.

The keys to achieving this kind of  efficiency:

1. Have a shooter at your events so that when you come up with an idea you can execute it on the spot.

2. Have an editor who knows how to upload video to the Internet waiting in the wings.

3. Have some kind of easy-to-use video publishing platform like a blog or a custom solution.

Once you have these elements in place, producing, publicizing and distributing Internet video is child’s play.

Here’s what the final product looks like…



P.S. For a free highlights version of this blog, go to

Categories: Internet Video Ads Tags:

Give me video

May 28th, 2007 1 comment

It finally happened…

I was reading about something interesting and new and I went to look up more about it on the Internet…and instead of looking for an article, I wanted to see a video about it.

And here’s the kicker, there were none (or at least I couldn’t find any.)

So you know what I did?

I crossed the subject off my list.

Now I’m a heavy reader and a verbal guy if ever there was one, but this topic (modern uses of steam engines) was not something I was willing to invest neurons on sorting out from verbal descriptions. I wanted to SEE one of these things working and have someone explain it to me.

Question: How many millions of times a day is thing happening now? Internet users searching for video content FIRST? And then, in some cases, bailing because there is none.

Categories: Internet TV Tags:

Doubleclick study: Internet video works

May 28th, 2007 4 comments

A major study of 2006 online video ad campaigns reveals what a lot of us knew from first hand experience: video trumps text and static graphics.

As useful as this stufy is on one level, ultimately I’d file the study as an example of  "interesting, but missing the point."

First, the interesting part…

Read more…

Categories: Internet Video Ads Tags:

Told you so

May 19th, 2007 Comments off

When Google bought YouTube I resisted the urge to tell the naysayers who said I was overdoing the video on the web thing: "Told you so."

Because actually, these days, what’s $1.2 billion? Not much to get excited about in the grand scheme of things.

But Google including VIDEO in its main search listings. That’s huge.

I have no idea how Google is selecting videos for including in search results. From the looks of things I’m not sure that they know either, but this is a SIGN.

The Internet is heading towards becoming a video-on-demand system with text as a sideline. Mark my words.  The browser will become the new remote with an infinite choice of channels. Video will become as common as paper.

Categories: Media Industry Tags:

Cell phone (mobile) marketing

May 17th, 2007 1 comment

A lot of people are counting on it becoming huge – marketing to people’s cell phones and mobile devices.

I do believe that these devices – now in 75% of American homes – will take an increasingly central place in people’s lives, but I also believe that marketers who think they can impose ad models on mobile from other mediums may find themselves in for a rude awakening.

Some numbers from Forester Research:

1. Only 16% are interested in free downloads (like ring tones) in exchange for watching ads
2. Only 15% are interested in entering a code from a product or advertisement
3. Only 14% are interested in loyalty programs or frequent-shopper cards tied to their cell number
4. Only 12% are interested in listening to audo ads in exchange for free director assistance
5. Only 11% want to see ads next to mobile maps or directions
6. Only 7% want to see ads in mobile games
7. Only 6% want to see banners on the top of a mobile web page
8. Only 4% want to see text messages from advertisers
9. Only 3% want to receive cell phone calls from advertisers

Do these results mean that all these models are doomed?

Not at all. When the first banner ad appeared on a web home page there was a near cyber-riot among early Internet users. People learned to acccept them – and ignore them.

I think models that trade a value (download or service) in exchange for a consumer’s agreeing to listen to an ad might work and whether folks like it or not, there will be banner ads on mobile pages, ads next to mobile maps and directions, and advertising in mobile games.

Also, for sure, people who are interested in a product will text message a code to get more information and that may be  one of the most immediate uses for us’n.

No one wants to opt-in or be on another mailing list – unless the goodie they’re being offered is immediately relevent to their interests and passions. When that’s the case, consumers don’t think twice about sharing info about themselves.

Categories: Mobile Tags:

Double duty video

May 10th, 2007 2 comments

As people who know me know, I’m a passionate fan and supporter of the great city of New Orleans.

For the last six months, I’ve spent a week per month down there talking with local rebuilding groups.

One of the groups that really stood out for me is, a grassroots organization founded on a kitchen table by New Orleans resident Sandy Rosenthal.

We started advising Sandy on web promotion in December, showed her how to rework her site to maximize opt-ins, and encouraged her to harness the magic of Interner video.

One strategy I suggested was making a "double duty" video: a single video for use on the web site (and YouTube) and for TV. Non-Profits have the advantage of getting free  PSA (public service announcement) time on TV.

The trick is to make the video compelling. One way to do that: enroll a celebrity. Hollywood and TV star John Goodman stood up and here’s the result on YouTube..

Click here to see the video

P.S. What can YOU do with your Internet skills to help a cause that you believe in?


Categories: Internet Video Ads Tags:

Deals on used handhelds

May 2nd, 2007 Comments off

At the bottom of this article, I’ll share a link to a cool site that offers used handhelds at a discount, but first, a thought.

As I was paging through "Smartphone and Pocket PC" with my young nephew Jacob (he’s a massive cell phone ethusiast and his younger brother Sam is a massive small screen games player), it occurred to me what’s about to happen…

Read more…

Categories: Mobile Tags: