A few days ago, I accepted what sounded like a totally insane challenge.
A friend asked if I could help promote a video I made for her group on YouTube.
"What category?" I asked.
"News and politics," she said.
"Let me get this straight. The Democrats are right in the middle of their convention. The Republicans are starting their own soon. All the TV news, all the newspaper headlines, all the blogs are focused on the conventions and you want to go up against that?"
(I mean, really. Can you imagine anything more impractical, more pie-in-the-sky, more unlikely to ever happen?)
Then she hit me with the zinger:
"It’s for New Orleans."
"Oh…OK…Let’s do it!"
24 hours ago, we had a zero ranking on YouTube. Now look at where we’re at…On the top line of the highest rated videos, right next to the Democrats and the Republicans.
Let’s see…the candidates have spent tens of millions of dollars to promote themselves. The news media threw in, what, maybe another $100 million worth of free exposure. They have thousands of minions and operatives at their beck and call.
And we’re right up there…for zero dollars…in our spare time…all from a lap top.
That’s Internet power baby. The System Way.
Can your guru do that? Can they go up against the real world’s biggest media guns, call it, win it and do it in real time?
Sometime next week, I’ll explain how YOU can do this too – and you won’t have to touch your credit card to learn.
Meanwhile, here’s the video. Soon we’re going to get knocked down to the "Weekly" top rated instead of "Today’s" top rated so I’m still hustling for traffic:
Check it out: Bottom right hand corner. It’s called "The Katrina Myth."
Best placement money can buy – but we got it free.