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Video and eCommerce

January 11th, 2007

You read it on this blog first (over the past twelve months), but the industry magazines are starting to catch on.

Here’s an excellent article on video and eCommerce in "Internet Retailing."

Click here for the article: Blending Video and eCommerce.



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  1. January 11th, 2007 at 20:20 | #1

    Hi Ken,
    That was a good article and yes it is true… it can work beautifully.
    The hard part for many folks is that they want to come up with a concept that can go viral and do great things for their traffic and business.
    Not always very easy to predict.
    The other tough part many online marketers have is then converting any new traffic they get into sales let alone optins.
    I hope to hear a bunch more on this at the upcoming System Seminar!
    BTW, here is a video some agency friends of mine produced (a little larger budget 🙂 that went BEAUTIFULLY viral for their client:
    This increased their sales leads by 50%…
    and on YouTube:
    Thanks for the great info Ken.
    Sam Knoll
    P.S. The InternetRetailer is a great publication worth any online merchant’s reading.

  2. January 11th, 2007 at 20:45 | #2

    Maybe Internet Retailer reads this blog as well. I raved about willitblend.com and described it as “Laugh and Sell”
    on this blog back on Jan 2nd in my post at
    and said
    “It is an example of pure marketing genius and they get my vote for innovative dirt cheap marketers of the year, 2006.”
    Great article and thanks for the heads-up and link Ken.

  3. January 12th, 2007 at 18:40 | #3

    Hey Ken,
    Yes, another excellent and interesting article in it alone are many ideas to adapt to your own niches. Fantastic! I’ve jotted down several already you can expect to see on my sites in 2007. A hint… No blending though :). Dogs in blenders is not a good thing.
    And Sam…. those ToughBoats … Man, I’ve never seen anything like that before… loved it. I’m in the market for a boat. Guess where I’m going first to check em out in person? 🙂
    Keep up the great research and articles Ken.

  4. January 12th, 2007 at 18:41 | #4

    Sorry my second site should read…

  5. January 15th, 2007 at 15:25 | #5

    That Toughboats video was great! Here’s my video. It’s got rave reviews for copy, audio effects, as well.

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